And fairly accurately too. Pretty much spot on given the tolerances they had to work with.They proved the world was round using sticks and shadows.
I know that vertebrae are numbered, L probably stands for Lumbar so perhaps a bottom one? And body then refers to the bony part?How many of you know what this is?
I am just learning!
L2 vertebral body
You see these in some of our bigger cities. Berlin for example is infested with them. These companies operate on city contracts so it's not like they are 100% private here. Things like e-steps are heavily promoted because they reduce congestion. The way it works is you use an app to locate one nearby which is available. You then ride it to where you need to be and leave it behind on the sidewalk or a charging point.We recently have a newer business that has random E bikes around the city.
I know it is a holiday here but I tried to call to have them removed from the public sidewalk.
I tipped them over into the boulivard to get them out of the way.
Why someone should make a private profit using a public right of way irrtates me.
I don't have room to get by with my walker.