Steve “The Razorsmith” Burton


New Member
New here and to the “social groups” side of sr things.

social media references
youtube, instagram and tiktok: The Razorsmith

RIF: general me stuff:
25 yr bladesmith historical background

Was on the FIF “super competition” called “last blade standing” season 3 where I placed 23 of 100 (FIF judges ben abbot competing and david baker judging)

Occasionally i work with norseforge from tiktok, pretty big social media bladesmith.

I helped make the spear from the diablo 4 vidogame commercial

im a disabled veteran so all i have to do is sit around and tinker in the shop.

Getting things “right” is important to me. But so is presentation

Hope to learn and help learn here


Staff member
Hey Steve. Welcome!

What branch were you in?

This is a small place with a half dozen regulars. Our interests are all over the map as you'll see. Take a look around and see what you think.

If there is anything you want to talk about just start up a conversation.


Welcome to the group. The people here have varying activity levels, some more productive than others.